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#IAMMission Mentorship Program

The #IAMMission Mentorship program uses cognitive behavioral therapy which is focused on replacing negative labels, thoughts and maladaptive behaviors with positive labels, thoughts and behaviors. The mission also encourages volunteerism while building self-confidence, self-efficacy and self-esteem. 


There is also a #IAMMission Campaign linked to the program.


The #IAMMission Campaign focuses on promoting positive self-talk, positive labeling of self and others. It also promotes positive thoughts and behaviors. These positives are showcased on social media using the hashtag: #IAMMission.



The #IAMMission mentorship program is open to girls in 3rd-5th grade for its Junior group and 6th-12th graders for its Tween/Teen group. The program’s mission is to help create a positive self in all girls and care for others. Therefore, the program works on fostering and maintaining positive self-confidence, self-efficacy and self-esteem. It also requires the girls completing volunteer hours to demonstrate concern and care for others.


The sessions are 6 weeks long, except for summer when they are 4 weeks. The girls meet once per week during the duration of each session. The girls also participate in volunteer activities to earn service hours.


As the girls move through the program they become mentors to the younger and/or newer girls in the group, actively embracing and demonstrating what it means to empower self and others.


To sign up for our FREE upcoming session:


  1. ​

  2. Fill out consent form







The #IAMMission Program is also available for your school. See below for more information.

School Club


2. Fill out consent form



3. Email form to 


                                       fill out the digital form:


 If school requires you to pay: Make payment here or via Venmo: @Princesses and Ladies Inc. or CashApp: $Princesses and Ladies Inc.

Princesses and Ladies Inc. in your school, college or university  will make a positive impact on your female students.


Building a Positive Mind, Body and Soul.


Outside the School
Happy Girls


Girls will learn various techniques and skills to build healthy minds, bodies and souls.


Girls will gain and practice ways to maintain confidence: academically, socially, physically and spiritually.



Girls will be able to recognize and present themselves as achievers mentally, physically and spiritually.


Girls will be empowered in their minds, bodies and souls to become rulers of their world, conquerors over their obstacles and empowerers to their peers.

Warrior Two
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