Happy 2025 to you, you and you! Yes, it is true.... It has been a minute, since our last blog post.. actually, more like, over a year ... After our last intern completed her internship with us, I had to fully focus on completing my PhD. That meant, I could not get another intern because I would not be fully available to provide all the intern would need to have a meaningful internship. It also meant, I would not have the capacity to keep up with all the demands of overseeing a non-profit. One of which was writing the blog posts twice a month. ...something if I had an intern, the intern would have the opportunity to do.
However, a very important lesson that I have learned over the years is, there are times when we need to prioritize the things we do and when we do them. The idea of balance has some people thinking all can be done at the same time. However, that is not true. Sometimes, we need to choose what needs to be done now, what can be done later and what does not need to be done at all. Here are three tips to help you handle your business well:
Take time to make an informed decision about what matters most and choose.
Release any guilt that you may begin to feel about choosing to not do it all.
Celebrate the wins you will gain from doing what you can do well.